An Urgent Fundraiser to Ensure Every GUSD Student  Has the Resources and Support to Succeed in a Virtual Environment.   image

An Urgent Fundraiser to Ensure Every GUSD Student Has the Resources and Support to Succeed in a Virtual Environment.

$147,390 raised

$150,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Given COVID, and California State mandates, Glendora Unified Schools must require online education for the start of this school year. Our District was forced to pivot to an online-only model, with very short notice. This requires curriculum assessment, teacher training, and equipping our students for success in an online atmosphere.

Glendora is already in the bottom 10% of funding in California, and we expect further budget cuts, resulting from our damaged economy. More than other districts, Glendora is in an extremely challenging position to assure every child and teacher will have the resources needed to succeed in this new environment.

Will you consider making a donation toward our children’s success? Your donation is 100% tax-deductible! A minimum gift of $20, or whatever you can afford, will go directly to technical resources and support. In particular:

  • Hotspots / Internet Access
  • Enhanced Virtual Meeting Environments
  • Professional Development
  • Learning Tools Interoperability

We understand everyone is navigating through these difficult times. If we share this particular burden collectively, we can insure the best education possible for our students, despite current circumstances. This is an opportunity for us to show our children what community really means.

TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! To ensure resources are distributed before the start of the school year, please click on the GIVE NOW button today.

On behalf of our children, THANK YOU in advance for being a part of this critical campaign.