Giving Tuesday 2023
A generous donor of the Glendora community is partnering with the Glendora Education Foundation and matching EVERY dollar that’s donated on November 28th for ALL Glendora schools!
$51,198 raised
$100,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
TODAY is #GivingTuesday, when you can help GUSD students and their schools receive vital tools and programs they need to help them be even more successful this year and beyond!
A generous donor of the Glendora community is partnering with the Glendora Education Foundation to help make this happen by matching every dollar that's donated on Giving Tuesday, November 28th!
Thanks to this opportunity, the Foundation is excited to participate yet again on this global giving movement to make twice the impact in just ONE DAY!
The Foundation worked closely with each GUSD principal to see what their needs are at their school. We need YOU to make it happen!